Monday, August 13, 2007

Things that caught my attention, v 8.13

Top 10 Tips for Comp Sci students was, for obvious reasons, of particular interest to me. It has some great advice. Some tips are good reminders of what should be obvious, while others are things that I, as plenty others I'm sure, might not be aware of. A good example of this is: Flowcharting Early and Often. I haven't really been paying much attention to flowcharting while at school, yet this summer, I learned the hard way, that I should make it a more frequent practice. And by the hard way, I mean on occasion finding myself going in circles trying to figure out what to do next. But, live and learn, right?...

A cool post I came across is one at secretGeek on argument modifiers. Leon Bambrick pointed out the existence of four argument modifiers, and I have to admit, I had never heard of the params modifier... so I looked it up, and mind-blowing indeed. I had recently come to a point where I needed this functionality, but being unaware of it, i had put it off to do some research on it. Well, now I know!

Continuing my questioning of the 'Google knows best" take on life, we have this. So fine, one of Google's ideas didn't take off. Who can blame them? I mean, they still have like a bajillion awesome ideas out there; one didn't work out, no big deal. But to take away the ability for users to play the content they bought?! Now that's just mean. What's going on Google?

On a brief note, here's something else to think about, the facebook source code leaked. Well, I’m not really even sure what to think of that…

And finally, a bit on the funny side of the web: xkcd's take on names of new people you meet. The caption of the image, if you hover over it, is exactly how I feel...

And now, Monday...